Rapid STD screening Singapore 2023

STD screening Singapore today: When should I go for STD screening? You should consider screening if you have symptoms of a possible STD, if you have had a recent risky exposure (unprotected sex with a casual partner), or both. Here at Atlas Pacific Medical, our doctors are committed to providing quality healthcare tailored to each individual’s unique needs. Read additional details on std screening and treatment.

Here at our clinic, we provide confidential and professional services to ensure proper diagnosis and treatment for those who come in for testing. We understand that privacy is essential when it comes to std testing, so all of our services are confidential and secure. We strive to provide the best care for our patients and ensure that their privacy is respected at all times. If you’re looking to get tested for STIs in Singapore, it is best to consult with a doctor first before going in for std testing. Your doctor can recommend the most appropriate std testing service for your circumstances, and make sure that you get a reliable diagnosis and treatment plan. With accurate std testing Singapore services, you can enjoy peace of mind about your sexual health.

A good rule of thumb for establishing good questions and opening a health-conscious dialogue with your physician is to consider the future. Are you guilty of googling medical advice? Ask your doctor what sites they recommend for knowledgeable medical information. Is your problem turning chronic? Ask how to prevent a specific illness in the future. With a doctor, you can pick their brain about weight loss advice and personal health goals. It’s also acceptable to question the prescriptions you are given. Ask why you are taking a specific medication to learn its function, or even ask about the necessity of certain pills. Are there negative side effects? Perhaps they aren’t worth the risk to you. A common example of questioning medication is antibiotic use. If you are prescribed an antibiotic, ask if the treatment is necessary. Many times a physician will tell you it’s okay to take a wait-and-see approach and only fill the prescription if symptoms worsen or do not resolve within an allotted time period.

To illustrate the point further, the STD prevalance in Singapore is considered among the top 5 developed countries in the world when adjusted per population. The absence of symptoms is a big contributor to this fact. So getting screened regularly even if you feel fine and have no symptoms is of paramount importance to help identify silent infections so they can be treated promptly to reduce the chance of spreading infections.

Initial STD screening can vary depending on the type of test and clinic visited. Depending on the clinic and medical institution, additional charges may apply for consultations or further examinations. The cost of individual STD tests can also vary depending on the type of test conducted, such as a urine sample, blood sample or swab. Therefore, it is important to inquire about the specific tests that are included in the STD screening package when booking an appointment. See more information on stdscreening.com.sg.