The climb of a IT support, web design and SEO consultant : Colby Anderson Brockton

Meet Colby Anderson Brockton and some of his IT support, web design and SEO thoughts : One of the quickest ways to free up space is to sort through your Downloads folder and delete anything that you don’t need anymore. This could include old installers for programs, downloaded music and videos, and large documents. Deleting programs you don’t use anymore can also free up a lot of space. This is especially true with some video games, which can take 30 GB or more of your hard disk space. For information on deleting programs in Windows, click here. For Mac, click here. The Disk Cleanup tool in Windows will scan for files that you no longer use. It can free up a large amount of space. Click here for details on running it. Read extra details at

One of the more obvious changes is to Cortana. With a new search box in Windows 10, Cortana is being relegated to a separate app updated from the Microsoft Store. It’s getting a new focus — less for consumers, and more for business users. Currently it supports lists and reminders, assisting with email and calendars, and launching apps. Its search features are now handled by Windows, although it will soon add support for voice-driven quick searches. Microsoft showed a video of its vision for what the new Cortana could be at Build in 2019, with support for continuous conversations and deep integration with Microsoft 365 services. It’s not there yet, but it’s certainly on the way. Local search in File Explorer gets a boost too, with Windows Search providing faster access to your files. It’s now able to provide spell-checking and uses less CPU.

The problem with a lot of Windows speedup stories is that they tell you to turn off some of the operating system’s more fun features, such as visual animations. Most of our tips show you ways you can speed up your Windows 10 system without compromising its appearance and functionality. Most are also free, but some involve spending a little cash on software or hardware. For people with older, lower-power machines who want a speed boost but don’t care about extra goodies, a couple of the tips towards the end can boost system performance at the expense of some visual bling. Find even more

With the recent Equifax breach, it’s more important than ever for consumers to safeguard their online accounts and monitor their credit reports. A credit freeze is the most effective way for you to protect your personal credit information from cyber criminals right now. Essentially, it allows you to lock your credit and use a personal identification number (PIN) that only you will know. You can then use this PIN when you need to apply for credit. Hacking, phishing, and malware incidents are becoming the number one cause of security breaches today. But, what’s more troubling, these hacking attempts are the result of human errors in some way. Education and awareness are critically important in the fight against cybercriminal activity and preventing security breaches.

Colby Anderson Brockton SEO advices: Your B2B users want to find answers to their questions quickly, and they want to find the products they need fast. Create industry-focused and product-detailed pages and include them in your navigation to enhance the functionality of your website. Use images that clearly depict the markets you serve and don’t forget to add alt-tags. Supplementing your digital strategies with an eCommerce solution also contributes to SEO and page experience. Recent industrial research revealed that 31% of manufacturers who invested in eCommerce have benefited from reaching new markets and 34% improve customer experience. Keep your online product catalog up to date with product data and verified formats engineers need.

While it may feel pretty “old school,” the e-mail newsletter is hotter than ever. And it is one of the best marketing tools available to a small business. Because of that, your website should encourage users to sign up for your e-mail newsletter. In exchange, you can offer customers benefits such as coupons or other special offers. Our last bit of advice sounds simple, but many businesses overlook it. What are we talking about? Showcasing your different products and services!

Motion tells stories, responsive design affects people’s emotions, and the trend is really fast-growing. Businesses are vying for audience attention and striving to keep them involved, to deliver complex ideas in simple forms. Motion gains users’ attention and increases engagement level. All kinds of animations, pop-ups, pull-down menus, scrolling, and transitions, make users interact with the platform and are gaining in popularity within web development.

Colby Anderson Brockton web design advices: Build a website that loads in a blink of an eye because this is the only mantra to attract them. Be on the safe side and optimize your website on a timely basis. You can also use premium hosting and utilize a content delivery network. The world has become mobile dependent, and the same goes for teens who can be found browsing the content from the palm of their hands. Build dynamic pages that can fit each electronic device’s screen, be it a mobile, laptop, or tablet. As a designer, you cannot assume all the teens are using the same device, and it sounds stereotype. So, develop a dynamic website and ensure that you hire web designers who have good knowledge about creating responsive websites.

Colby Anderson Brockton|Colby Anderson Brockton or the upsurge of a IT support, web design and SEO consultant|Who is Colby Anderson Brockton and some of his IT support and computer repair thoughts? Before we learn the basics of search engine optimization, let’s talk about how ranking in search engines work. First off, when we talk about search engines, in the SEO community, we really only care about Google. That’s because Google accounts for 90% of all searches done on the internet (including Maps, Images and YouTube). As a result, Google’s algorithm is what we care about. Knowing that, Google’s algorithm does three things: crawl, index and rank. It sends out bots to “crawl” the internet looking for every website out there. They then put all the websites in an index as if they were filing them. Inside the index, they take into account different factors to rank them. The algorithm’s only goal is to rank these sites properly to give the searcher looking for information the most relevant, helpful information possible.