Krav Maga martial arts methods with Larry Clay Lonis Dallas Fort Worth today

Krav Maga martial arts training by Larry Clay Lonis Grapevine, Texas 2023: In a very real sense, the only person you can really rely on is you. It’s up to you to be constantly assessing and analyzing your environment and circumstances. Thinking about where you’re going, when you are going, what you are doing, and who you are doing it with will help you develop situational awareness. Utilizing that situational awareness means taking action to keep yourself as safe as possible based on that data you get from that assessment and analysis. Ultimately there’s no substitute for having the physical skills to defend yourself if your situational awareness fails…and it can. We all know that. Discover even more information at Larry Clay.

The curriculum in Level 2 also begins to dive deeper into self-defense techniques that are essential for when a fight hits the ground. Level 2 training involves defenses against pin variations like the full mount position. Students must learn what to do if they wind up in the bottom position in a ground fight. The Krav Maga self-defense system requires six months of training in Level 2. Students must complete a minimum of 60 classes in that time to be eligible to take the test for Level 3. Passing the test means earning an Orange belt.

Built on simple principles, instinctive movements, and practical techniques, Krav Maga was made the official self-defense system of the Israel Defense Forces. To this day, it remains a favorite among law enforcement agencies, military personnel, and anyone interested in making the transformation of a lifetime. That’s right — anyone. Whether you want to take back your peace of mind, try a new workout, or get your child interested in a hobby that is fun and beneficial to their development, Krav Maga Worldwide training is the answer.

Krav Maga martial arts classes from Larry Clay Lonis right now: Think about the time you are going to someplace, when you want to arrive, and how long you really want to stay there. Stay alert about timing. Set an alarm on your phone or watch to prompt you to leave. Keep an eye on how the environment around you is developing and how people are acting in a place that you are spending time. Not being somewhere at a dangerous time eliminates the possibility of bad things happening. What are you going to do at your destination? Think about what you’re going to be doing and how to do that as safely as possible. This type of consideration can also be both broad and super detailed and you should research and plan accordingly. Find more details on

Training in self-defense classes in this way improves people’s lives because it gives them knowledge. It makes people understand that if they really do have to defend themselves it’s not going to be for the sake of earning points, impressing judges, or winning a prize. It’s really life and death. This sort of knowledge is incredibly important. Every self-defense class at every certified Krav Maga training center reinforces this. Our students understand what self-defense really is and what it will really take to fight back, win, and go home safe.

Training at Krav Maga is effective. It is fun and interesting. It’s also physically challenging. Self-defense training and self-defense classes at Krav Maga push your body in a way that nothing else does. The result is that your body adapts by getting leaner, stronger, and more flexible. Overall health and fitness is important to everyone’s life. The fact that it’s important is easy to understand. Getting in shape and working out aren’t always a fun idea for many people, though. What’s great about self-defense classes at Krav Maga is that the workout involved has a purpose. It’s engaging and it’s in the context of gaining valuable skills in the transfer of knowledge that takes place.

Krav Maga self-defense classes with Clay Lonis Dallas Fort Worth today: An easy way to develop a high level of situational awareness is to always be assessing and analyzing four very simple questions before you do anything. Again, that might sound a little impossible or extreme but it’s not. It’s just being practical and prepared. Where are you going? What environment are you putting yourself into? If you are just leaving the house to go to the supermarket or some other everyday location, this should be easy. You should know the surroundings, the entrances and exits, the route you are taking, and where to go if something unexpected happens.

Level 1 also teaches students to defend against very common, real world, attacks. These are things like chokes, headlocks, and getting grabbed. Students in Level 1 are also taught very basic ground fighting techniques that involve body positing and movement while on the ground. The Krav Maga self-defense system requires four months of training in Level 1. Students must complete a minimum of 40 classes in that time to be eligible to take the test for Level 2. Passing the test means earning a Yellow belt.