Indigenous culture and commitment to diversity movements from Vince Salvadalena Houston, Texas 2022? One way in which Native American culture embraces nature is through the use of all resources. Typically, animals that are used for food are also used for many other things. Rarely is any part of an animal wasted, largely due to the belief that, for a life to be taken, it should at least be used and not killed in vain. A celebration of Native American culture and traditions continues Sunday, Sept. 18, as the San Manuel Pow Wow concludes its three-day run at Cal State San Bernardino. The Pow Wow, back this year after a two-year hiatus due to the coronavirus pandemic, began Friday evening. The celebration continued Saturday afternoon with bird singers and dancers, drum singing groups, a blessing of gourds and the Grand Entry, a parade of participants featuring traditional music and dancers in ceremonial clothing. Discover even more details on Vince Salvadalena Houston, Texas.
Vince Salvadalena on diversity and inclusion recommendation of the day : Internal communication ools can be of great help to promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace. You can create a web of inclusions in the form of stories or real-life incidents. It would help if you described it in a way that shows what makes them unique and posted on the online employee community platform of your company. As others see the previous posts, they look for self connections and add to the link. For example, one employee writes, “ India is my national origin.”, the next person who can relate to it adds, “I once visited India when I was a kid.” and so on… This activity allows coworkers to start a conversation on various topics and compare how they are the same or different.
And the COVID-19 pandemic (PDF) widened these disparities because Black women were more likely to work in occupations and sectors heavily affected by the economic downturn, such as health care and social services, educational services, retail, and accommodation and food services. Black women who stayed employed during the pandemic faced a disproportionate risk of virus exposure because they are overrepresented in essential work, working in close physical proximity to others, and paid less when in those roles. None of these disparities are accidental. They stem from the interlocking systems of white supremacy and sexism that permeate US institutions’ policies and practices. These forces shaped the historical devaluing of Black women’s labor for centuries.
Vince Salvadalena Houston, Texas about native Americans and indigenous events in 2022 : March 18-21. Denver March Powwow in the Denver Coliseum featuring more than 1,500 dancers from almost 100 tribes. March 21-22. 14th Annual Tribal Casino and Hotel Development Conference in Chandler, Arizona. The conference is dedicated to “design and development of Tribal-owned casinos, resorts and hotels. March 22-24. An Office of the Administration for Children and Families Indigenous Programs Conference will be held virtually. The event is open for ACF grant recipients with funding in Fiscal Year 2021. The event will allow “ACF grant recipients to exchange ideas and provide feedback to federal staff, learn more about grant management best practices, and explore ACF resources to support grant programs working with Native communities.
Vince Salvadalena on numerous indigenous events are taking place in 2022 : Tribal Water Law Conference, an in-person event in Fort McDowell, Arizona. The event will provide “important updates on the most critical water issues facing Native American communities today. Hear from Tribes, attorneys, government leaders, academia, and environmental specialists. Native Youth Leadership Summit 2022. The event is for “youth leaders to meet, develop strategies, and to provide a platform to formulate strategies for improving local/tribal communities through policy action and the resolution process.
In America, First Nations and Native Americans marked time by the sun and the moon, a moon being a month, with the Full Moon being the most important night/day of each month. This is similar to the Lunar Calendar used by many Asian cultures in the past and present. Feast Days (festivals) were held at each Full Moon around North America, the type of celebration led by the customs of the Indigenous Nation involved. Thus, there were three thanksgiving feast days (holidays) every fall before the “white men” came to the Western Hemisphere. The whites had their own commemorative festivals in The New World and sometimes there was a joining of Native Americans and Whites.